Mr. Kangile is a post-graduate from Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) and University of Pretoria (UP) in Agricultural and Applied Economics and an ongoing PhD student in Agricultural Economics at SUA. He has more than ten years of professional experience on research and development in Agriculture Food Systems.
He has carried out several monitoring and evaluation assignments for different agricultural development projects and carried out research and consultancy in the areas of marketing; value chain analytics; policy analysis; data collection and management; varieties adoption; trade; production economics; and economics of value addition.
Mr. Kangile has offered consultancy services to various national and international organizations including FAO, AGRA, RUFORUM, Royal Tropical Institute (KIT)-Netherlands, The Leibniz Center for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF)-Germany, World Vegetable Centre, Traidcraft Exchange-United Kingdom, GIZ, SIMAVI-Netherlands among others.
He has hands-on experience in managing research teams and collection of both quantitative and qualitative data. He also is experienced in Computer Aided Personal Interviews (CAPI)-Using Android Systems such as Survey CTO; Cobo collect; CSpro; and ODK and analytical tools including SPSS, STATA, Gen Stat, Matlab and Frontier. Mr. Kangile is ENVICON Senior Project Officer and Agricultural Economist.